
my name is nines/zephyrus/elysium, and i use all pronouns. i'm visually impaired, physically disabled, and mentally disabled. i am also plural. here's a link to my pronouns.cc.

My name is
I am
autistic, babe, beautiful, bitch, Communist, cat lover, chick, cunt, differently-gendered, dude, freak, gender atypical, gender deviant, gender outlaw, gender pirate, gender variant, genderfuck, genderqueer, human, LGBTQ, LGBTQIA, ladyboy, Mr., Ms., ma'am, madam, me, miss, mister, other-gendered, pro-choice, pro-gay, queer, queergendered, simplex, sir, survivor, tranny, transsexual, who cares
Who are you?

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